Small and constant changes or a radical transformation?


Continuous improvement means the insertion of small changes in the production systems and in the organization with the aim of obtaining a slight and constant increase in company quality.

The companies that opt ​​for this system periodically set up multi-departmental working groups that deal with identifying problems or areas for improvement, proposing solutions and implementing them following a predefined path.


  • The changes that are made are not traumatic for the staff who are led to accept them positively
  • The investment that any change requires is small



  • The first benefits of the long-term choices made are evident
  • There is a risk that competitors may act more quickly with effects that can be seen on the market

This can be considered as a natural and less traumatic method for employees. To be chosen when the needs for growth and repositioning are not pressing.


Or reengineering of processes, occurs when an organization decides to make incisive choices, rethinking production and / or organizational processes.

In this case, the changes are far-reaching, aimed at rapidly and significantly improving the production level and product quality.


  • The improvements can be significant in effectiveness, efficiency and productivity
  • The results can be seen in a tangible way and in a short time



  • Possible discomfort and difficulty in adapting by the staff
  • The risk to run is greater


When to choose redesign?

  • When production costs are high
  • When there is a real limit in the systems in use
  • When the products are not well received on the market
  • When the company is at a disadvantage compared to its competitors


We advise our customers to always weigh decisions on the basis of production data in relation to the roi of the different projects.

Let’s get in touch today for a specific evaluation! 
